Rate Rise Continues; Recession Risk Hits Leveraged Borrowers

August 11, 2022

The Takeaway is a new CoBank publication that provides practical commentary on interest rates and capital markets activities. These insights come from the professionals in CoBank’s Treasury, Capital Markets and Derivatives groups—people who are in the market interacting with customers, investors and other lenders seeking to understand what is driving activity.

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Markets Rally in Response to Latest Fed Rate Hike; Is It Too Soon?

The Fed raised the federal funds rate by 75 basis points to a target range of 2.25% to 2.5% at its late-July meeting in its continuing effort to tame runaway inflation. The move follows the Fed’s 75-basis-point increase in June, meeting what were strongly signaled expectations for both months.

Equity markets rallied in response to the news and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s hint that future rate hikes, although fairly certain, could be smaller. Some investors took this to mean that the Fed could begin lowering rates in 2023.

Kiran Kini, CoBank senior vice president and treasurer, isn’t so sure.

“Back-to-back increases of 75 basis points—or 1.5% over two months—amount to a very significant rate hike,” said Kini. “The rally in response to the hike indicates that the markets are resetting expectations for where the fed funds rate is going to end up and starting to price in rate cuts as early as next year.

“But I think it's a little premature to expect the fed to start to change direction and cut rates, or the market to price in cuts, in 2023,” he continued. “It is likely that the Fed will eventually slow down their rate hikes, but inflation is still very high and has come down just slightly. There are some signs that inflation is easing, but it’s going to take time to get down to the Fed’s 2% target.”

Indeed, the most recent statistics indicate that inflation is at a 40-year high. The Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index for June, which was released on July 29th and is watched closely by the Fed, jumped 6.8% over 2021, its largest increase since 1982. July’s Consumer Price Index was 8.5%, down from 9.1% in June, also a 40-year high. 

Kini indicated the Fed’s rate increases may be achieving their desired effect of slowing economic growth, which would begin to reduce inflation. 

“We also have back-to-back quarters of negative GDP growth, which is fueling debate about the potential for a recession—is it a recession or is it not?” Kini said. “I don't want to get into that debate. At the end of the day, real growth is slowing down and the reason for that is inflation.

“Consumers are still generally in good shape. There is a decent amount of consumer spending, but we're paying more for everything. Inflation is eating into our purchasing power,” Kini continued.

Kini also noted that unemployment remains very low. To the surprise of many economists, 528,000 non-farm jobs were added in July, reducing the unemployment rate to 3.5%, its lowest level in 50 years. Still, several tech companies have announced layoffs recently, and the labor market could begin to turn. And wages continue to grow, although not at the same pace as inflation.

“Time will tell if we are in a recession,” Kini concluded. “If so, it is not at all your typical recession.”

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Volatility Continues to Drive Hedging Interest

Despite the widely held expectations for two consecutive 75-basis-point federal funds rate increases, considerable market volatility continues, as does customer interest in taking advantage of quick interest rate movements, according to Eric Nickerson, CoBank’s sector vice president of customer derivatives.

“Aside from the rate increases, some commentary and responses to questions by Fed Chairman Powell immediately following the last rate decision, were viewed as the Fed being less hawkish than they were before, which is adding to the volatility.” said Nickerson. “For several months now, we have seen customers taking advantage of meaningful dips that we see intraday or from one day to the next.”

Nickerson also said some inversion in the yield curve—where longer-term rates are lower than shorter-term rates—is driving activity.

“We're seeing more customers structure their hedges to take advantage of the shape of the yield curve by doing either forward-starting transactions or longer-dated transactions,” he said.

Nickerson added that Powell’s concurrent announcement that the Fed intends to be less transparent regarding its future actions will likely add to volatility.

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Rate Hikes Causing Lending Market Bifurcation

While loan activity among investment-grade borrowers remains strong, the Fed’s rate hikes are having an outsized effect on leveraged borrowers, according to Clarence Plummer, CoBank senior vice president, Capital Markets.

“There is a real bifurcation going on in the market right now where investment-grade borrowers continue to get competitive spreads and more leveraged borrowers are paying a significantly higher premium,” said Plummer. “The concern, of course, is the potential for a recession and the effect of lower growth on more leveraged borrowers.

“Spreads for investment grade borrowers have increased marginally as base rates—such as the fed funds rate and SOFR—have increased,” Plummer continued. “Spreads for the highly rated borrowers have gone from 140 to 160, to maybe 200 basis points. On the leveraged side, spreads have really increased, moving from 300 basis points to 350 or even 400 basis points.”

Plummer also confirmed that SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) continues to gain prominence among other index rates as an alternative to LIBOR. 

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