Protein Passport: Export Market Volatility is Worth the Risk

January 30, 2019

Key Points

  • Per capita animal protein consumption in the U.S. will reach an all-time high in 2019 and is expected to plateau shortly thereafter.
  • Export growth will be key for U.S. beef, pork, and chicken producers as growing meat supplies and processing capacity outstrip domestic demand.
  • Greater reliance on export markets has resulted in higher price volatility for the animal protein sectors in other exporting nations like Australia, Canada, and Brazil.
  • Higher profitability has offset higher price volatility for beef, pork and poultry producers in Australia, Canada and Brazil, respectively, despite declining domestic consumption in Australia and Canada.
  • Exports have driven industry growth in Australia, Canada and Brazil, and would likely underpin further industry expansion for the U.S. in the years ahead.

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